Spec Ads: Advertising Without Rules

Spec Ads: Advertising Without Rules

Advertising is the most wonderful meeting point between art and business - or so it seems.

Many young and hopeful creatives enter some illustrious agency’s doors, ready to win a Cannes Lion at any cost, only to find the rules.

Rules upon rules upon rules about what they can and mostly can’t do in an ad for a brand.

Now, boundaries are actually essential for creativity to flourish, but now and then, a wild maverick will throw their hands up in the air and say, “What if I could make whatever I wanted?”

Enter the wonderful world of spec ads.

These are ads made by real people for real brands; they’re not bought, endorsed, or even allowed.

Pointless, perhaps, but loads of fun.

There is even an awards show for spec ads, and if you’re willing to fight through the user experience you might expect from such an organisation, you can see it here.

We’ve collected a few of our favourites below and we hope you enjoy them.

The only question that remains is, when are you going to start making some ads?

To learn how to do it, take our Advertising 101 course.

It’s very much endorsed and certified by Cannes Lions and created to help you make real ads for real brands and one day win at Cannes.

Our Biomimicry Course Is Now Live!

Our Biomimicry Course Is Now Live!

42 Quotes from Daniel Kahneman

42 Quotes from Daniel Kahneman