How Beer Ads Get Around Their Biggest Obstacle

How Beer Ads Get Around Their Biggest Obstacle

As a creative in an ad agency, working on a beer brand is a coveted position.

Beer ads have big budgets, they’re fun, they usually involve a story, and they’re centred around a distinct brand position.

They have to be - while alcohol advertising regulations vary around the world, one thing is common to all - you can’t portray the effects of alcohol, or even suggest that getting drunk is in any way desirable.

This obstacle forces beer brands to focus on other aspects of the product, like taste, pouring rituals, laddish culture, a commitment to excellence or whatever other value the brand can shout about that doesn’t involve getting wasted.

And creatives (the really good ones, at least) love a challenge like this.

So here we present 8 beer ads that do a great job of selling anything but their alcohol content.

(Not for the enjoyment of persons under the age of 16, 18, or 21, depending on where you live.)

Anheuser-Busch “Let’s Grab A Beer”
This piece of work is here, not because it’s the best beer ad ever, but because it illustrates the point well. How many reasons for having a beer can you count in this ad?

Heineken “Walk In Fridge”

One of the most memorable beer ads of all time makes a social comment on the different things that excite men and women.

Heineken “The Entrance”
Heineken made several ads in this style, showcasing some European rapscallion, having a night of flamboyant adventure. It’s about the character of someone who chooses Heineken - he’s open minded and self-deprecating, but well respected, and obviously, the most fun person in the room.

Carlsberg “The Danish Way”
Ahh, Carlsberg, the one brand that has the confidence to say that it is only “probably” the best beer in the world. In this ad, they took a leaf out of Guinness’s book by celebrating where it’s made.

Carling Black Label “Horse”
Carling Black Label, a South African beer, holds a brand position almost like that of a whiskey - it’s the reward of champion men. This allows them to make ads showcasing great feats of heroism, like this one, simply called “Horse”. This ad is also beautifully shot and features some of the best sound design of all time.

Castle Lite presents “Ziyabanda”
Castle Lite chose a rather difficult value proposition to focus on - the temperature at which their beer should be served. But, as mentioned above, good creatives thrive in the face of a challenge, and the creatives at Ogilvy in Cape Town did an excellent job of celebrating -2.5 degrees centigrade in this ad.

Guinness “You Were Always On My Mind”
Guinness, on the other hand, chose a very simple aspect of their brand to highlight in this ad (and several others) and they do it very well.

Guinness “Here’s To Waiting”
Another one from Guinness does a fantastic job of celebrating something about their beer that some people might see as a fault. Here, they turn it into a feature (not a bug) in one of the most entertaining ads. Even when you know the joke, it’s still fun to watch because their message holds true.

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