How to differentiate your advertising to make an impact

How to differentiate your advertising to make an impact

Differentiate or die!

Not a bad maxim for anyone in advertising and marketing to live by.

If you want to learn a new method to truly stand out amongst all the white noise (and some killer advert examples) then keep reading. You’ve got time, right?


Just let your mind wander back to early 2020 for a second… How long did it take for you to roll your eyes at the latest corporate advert falling over itself to be oh so earnest.

We all know that playing it safe means you’ll never get noticed - watch the video for as long as you can bear it…

To stand out, to be noteworthy (ie worthy of note), you’ve got to have the b@lls to not go with the safe option.


Effective marketing needs to be all about acquisition, acquisition, acquisition.

If you don’t agree with me, check out any keynote from Les Binet and Peter Field on Youtube (there are plenty to choose from).

For over a decade, they have studied 25 years of IPA data on advertising campaigns.

One of their many invaluable insights is that to survive as a business, your marketing MUST, I’ll say that again, simply must, grab the attention of a huge audience outside of your existing customer base.

So, instead of following the pack like all those sombre, high and mighty COVID ads, why not speak to your customer in their language and their feelings?

Apple went viral by doing it differently to allllll the rest in peak Covid, achieving gazillions of views in the first few days after publishing.

So, with your marketing, the message from the data guys and also the results of the viral vids is:

Cook up some RICE!


Cook up some RICE

Didn’t Vanilla Ice sing, “Rice, Rice, baby”?

I can’t remember exactly. It was a long time ago to be honest. But 376 million views on Youtube can’t be wrong :)

376 MILL, baby!

376 MILL, baby!

Anyway, back to business…


With your campaigns, cook up some RICE…

  • Remain relevant to your brand

  • Inspire by being illogical

  • Come up with a crazy creative

  • Excite with the execution

Check out the campaign that AlmapBBDO created for Doritos in Brazil….


Whether you are agency or client side, if you want stellar results for your next campaign, ask yourself:

  1. Is this relevant to the brand/product?

  2. Is it illogical?

  3. Is the creative crazy enough?

  4. Is it exciting?

You might say that you can’t do this because we are advertising insurance, financial services or whatever.

But if you are not answering a whopping great YES to the questions above, then you have to ask yourself,

Will this actually be noticed by anyone?

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