10 Ways to Find a Creative Outlet Today

10 Ways to Find a Creative Outlet Today

Sometimes waiting for inspiration is like waiting for the government to voluntarily give you a tax rebate. It could happen, but it’s infinitely more likely if you go after it.

If you find yourself scrolling through the news cycle more than you’d like, here are 10 ways to relax, recharge and hopefully stimulate some creative inspiration.

1.     Take a walk. Nobody was designed to sit looking at a laptop all day.

2.     Phone a friend. Not just for who wants to be a millionaire, talking to a friend provides comfort as studies show people find the connection superior to sending a text or email.

3.     Write down 3 things you’re grateful for. Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, credits this with shifting his natural pessimism to a more positive outlook on life.

4.     Draw the first thing that comes into your mind. When was the last time you put pencil to paper? Drawing makes you consider something often lacking in the news cycle – perspective.

5.     Pick up a book you’d never usually read. You never know what you could be missing out on.

6.     Put on an item of clothing that instinctively makes you happy. It could be what makes you feel your most confident or your favourite pyjamas.

7.     Shut your eyes and listen to a podcast or audiobook. There’s something transporting about it.

8.     Keep your hands occupied with something that isn’t your phone – ever wanted to try knitting, pottery, or clay pigeon shooting?

9.     Dance to your favourite song.

10.  Take joy in trying something new and being bad at it. Social media favours those who’ve mastered something when the joy can be in the trying.

We have all been living through interesting times, but if you do one or ten of these things hopefully you will feel better connected with yourself, your friends, and the world around you.

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