Blue lobsters, shoplifting and lego, it's #FridayFunFacts

Blue lobsters, shoplifting and lego, it's #FridayFunFacts

DID YOU KNOW that it’s impossible to lick your own elbow? Of course you did, because only the smartest people read FridayFunFacts, and you’re definitely not trying to lick your own elbow right now….moving on:

The Finnish word for “pedant” (think pedantic) can be directly translated as “comma fucker”. That’ll make you think twice about using an oxford comma next time.

Although they’re very rare, blue lobster do exist!

Blue lobster

Of all the sweets and all the coffee and all the cured hams just hanging by the door, good old Parmesan cheese is the most shoplifted item in Italy.

Lego makes everything under the sun and further lets you create anything your wild imagineation could possibly dream up but there's one thing they explicitly don't do: military-themed sets. The creator didn't want to make war seem like child's play.

All over the world, there are two main ways (with just a few minor exceptions) to say Tea. One is all the varieties of “Te”, like “tea" in english and “tee” in Afrikaans, and these versions can be found in all the places that tea leaves traveled to by ship when the Dutch East India company rules the seas. The other type of name is all the variations of “cha”, like “chai” in Hindi and “chay” in Persian. Tea reached the places with these names via the Silk Road. Why is this cool? Because long before anybody used the word “globalisation” we can see how globalisation happened, just by the way people take their te/cha.

The Warren Harding Effect

The Warren Harding Effect

The truth about bikinis and some other explosive #FridayFunFacts

The truth about bikinis and some other explosive #FridayFunFacts