Prune fingers, cat furniture and other #FridayFunFacts

Prune fingers, cat furniture and other #FridayFunFacts

Have you ever wondered why your fingers go all wrinkly and hard after being underwater for a while? Of course you have. It's not just one of those weird body quirks, there's actually a very good reason for it - the prune impressions give us better grip underwater.

Another evolutionary trait that must be quite useful is silk - a single spider can make up to seven different kinds of silk, each tailored towards a specific task.

In world news, Japanese furniture companies have started making mini versions of popular items like sofas for cats. Yes really. Considering that most cats prefer to sleep in boxes or on your face, this is almost, but not quite, as pointless as Swarovski studded cat flaps. Yes really.

While we're on the topic (of Japan, not cats), Japan's demographic trends are so skewed that adult diapers will be out selling baby diapers by 2020.

Japan has given a lot to the world, sushi, anime, cheap TVs, tourists, but this is one of their greatest gifts:

If you don't know what this tune is, go lick a poster of Bieber or whatever it is millennials do. For everyone else, here's the fun fact about this seminal game: Mario was initially called Jumpman. You might have known this, but what you might not have known is that when, at their first offices in America, Nintendo couldn't come up with the rent, the landlord was kind enough to turn a blind eye. He trusted that they would be able to pay him at some point and he was right. His name was Mario Segale and he got far more than his money back.

On that note, please enjoy this Mario-esque tortoise in a jumper. Because reasons.

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