Superhumans, cocaine binges and a very merry Christmas to all!

Superhumans, cocaine binges and a very merry Christmas to all!

Hello Fun factors and happy holidays, if you're having holidays, but merry Friday nonetheless! Let's kick off with some truly magical collective nouns:

If you're strolling through a meadow in spring you might see a kaleidoscope of butterflies, and if you're trudging through the snow in Iceland, you might happen upon an aurora of polar bears, but best of all, if you're swimming through the reefs of Madagascar at night or during the day, you'll probably find a galaxy of starfish.

But let's briefly travel to Nepal. Did you know that a Sherpa is not just a job title, but a member of a different race of people, who have a higher capacity to absorb oxygen. 

Similarly, people who live on the pacific ocean have developed eyes that are better adapted for seeing underwater.

If you've ever thought the gothic horror Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde is a bit strange, you might be onto something. RL Stevenson wrote the 60000 word novel during a 6 day cocaine binge!

Finally, just a little Christmas fun fact to spread all the love and joy: Christmas Crackers were originally called “Bangs of Expectation".

Have a merry one people, stay curious and we'll see you in the new year! 

 Need an instant mood boost? Try the Japanese art of ‘Shinrin Yoku’

Need an instant mood boost? Try the Japanese art of ‘Shinrin Yoku’

Happiness and social media

Happiness and social media