Find out what Pablo Escobar's real legacy is and other #FridayFunFacts
All in Things we've learned
Find out what Pablo Escobar's real legacy is and other #FridayFunFacts
Successful startups are 1% idea and 99% execution. Not the other way around.
The famous Cottingley images demonstrate how easily even an expert is mislead.
What do dragons, elves, pirates, teabags and fingerprints have in common? Nothing. But they all have pretty interesting stories. Come and see! #FridayFunFacts
In solving one problem it’s often easy to create a new and unintended one as a consequence. Just ask the ‘Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations’ in Australia.
Which is the best approach? Looking under a ‘microscope’ or gazing through a ‘telescope’?
The Nazis were horrid, but pretty scientifically minded... #FridayFunFacts
How to overcome your brain's inherent negativity bias. For real.
Why the hidden message in the Matrix might make you hungry and other #FridayFunFacts
Why we're so prone to throwing good money after bad.
Don’t have a boardroom filled with brilliant and experienced thinkers? Then create your own.
How language affects our understanding of the world around us.
You can tell a lot about the person who named this street once you know what it means #FridayFunFacts