Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping

Your brain is a staggering accomplishment of evolution. 

It’s the most complex thing in the natural world and one of its most amazing abilities is generating ideas.

The ability to imagine things that don’t even exist. 

However, it often needs a bit of guidance to collect and organise its most inspiring thoughts. 

Enter Tony Buzan.

Tony spent his working life thinking about the brain and how we can get the most out of it, writing a number of best-selling books on memory, speed reading and creativity.

He also developed something called the ‘Mind Mapping’ technique. 

It’s a simple but effective way of encouraging your mind to think along multiple avenues in the search for potential solutions. 

You begin by drawing an image at the centre of a large piece of paper and then create separate ‘branches’ of terms that relate to it. Topics of lesser importance are shown as ‘twigs’ of the relevant branch.

Here’s Tony explaining in a short video why this technique is so effective:

Try it for yourself.

It’s one of the best ways to get the most out of your mind’s ability to drum up innovative solutions.

Any other tools you find helpful for idea generation or selection? Please share in the comments below.

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