Consume as much as you can from different sources

Consume as much as you can from different sources

To be creative, you need to feed your mind with as many inputs as possible.

This is because creativity is about ‘connecting the dots’; the more dots you have, the more connections you can make.

To generate the maximum possible number of associations, you need to be an avid consumer of ideas, art, music, books, blogs, film and other media.

No ‘art’ is pure in the sense that it’s 100% original; creativity has to come from somewhere.

But does it matter where you get your inspiration?

And are all ‘inputs’ of equal quality?

Truthfully, a trashy Netflix show could be as informative to your idea development process as reading a great literary classic.

But it shouldn’t be your only source of inspiration.

Ultimately, it’s about having a varied information diet: not just ‘junk’ food but also ‘high-quality’ food.

The worst thing to do is to consume the same type of thing over and over again.

Your ideas will quickly become stale and repetitive.

The great creative minds understand this and continuously reinvent themselves by trying new things and exposing themselves to new ideas.

Just look at the number of alter egos David Bowie had throughout his four-decade-long career.

With this in mind, here are some thought starters for trying something fresh:

  1. Eat at a restaurant you are unfamiliar with.

  2. Wander around a new area and see where it takes you.

  3. Talk to a complete stranger.

  4. Watch a random Netflix documentary.

  5. Learn a new language with the Duolingo app.

If you’re looking for more ways to be more creative, why not sign up for our How To Be More Creative course featuring some of the world’s top experts and certified by Cannes Lions.

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