The Importance of Copywriting in a Business

The Importance of Copywriting in a Business

If you want to know the power of words, look to Vladimir Lenin.

So fearful were the German government of his ideas, his safe passage to Russia was guaranteed only on the proviso that he travelled in a specially sealed train.

The German government understood intuitively what many businesses do not - that powerful communication can change everything.

Now I’m not suggesting anyone attempt to overthrow the government, but the same idea can take on different levels of momentum depending on how it is presented.

If I told you I wanted to remake Hamlet with cartoon animals and a happy ending, I may be laughed out of the office. Yet, that idea became The Lion King as Jeffrey Katzenberg had an entire long-haul flight to wear down his colleagues.  

Sometimes it is not necessarily the best idea that wins, but the one with the most impactful communication.

Take the example of a girl’s best friend – diamonds. Diamond sales had declined after the Great Depression and De Beers had hired advertising agency NW Ayer to fix this problem with sales.

In turn, as jewellery was considered a women’s product, NW Ayer assigned the task of generating a tagline to a rare female copywriter of the era – Frances Gerety. Thus, the most successful tagline of all time was born – a diamond is forever.

If the only difference between a lump of carbon and the most valuable gem on earth is copywriting, what could it do for your business? Learn more with 42courses.

If you found this post helpful, you’d be mad not to try our copywriting course, which features legendary writers including Steve Harrison, Vikki Ross, Dave Trott, Derek Walker, Jane Evans and more. Packed full of practical tools and tips, it’s guaranteed to make your copy shine.




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