Embrace the Fuckery

Embrace the Fuckery

“We are living through bat-shit crazy times. The only constant in our lives is change”

- Vicki Maguire, Chief Creative Officer of Havas London.

Often referred to as one of a handful of bad-ass women in advertising, it’s no surprise that Vicki looks out for areas where creativity is thriving in chaos.    

During her captivating presentation “Embrace the Fuckery” at the 2020 Contagious Bootcamp, she took listeners along on her unique journey in the ad world over the past 20 odd years, and shared 15 lessons that she’s learnt, in the hope that we won’t have to.

1. Roll With The Crazy

Within unprecedented and destabilised times, creativity really has the power to bring about positive change. Vicki encourages all creatives to lean into crazy times, because it’s in these moments where you can step out of your comfort zone and ignite your creative side. 

2. You Learn As Much From the Arseholes As You Do From The Heroes

Inevitably throughout your career you will work with people you aspire to be more like as well as people who are, as Vicki puts it, arseholes. Observing the behaviour of both these types of people will influence and shape the kind of leader you want to be.

3. Find Your Crew 

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people - the people who allow you to be who you are - boosts and increases creativity. Being comfortable and confident around your team puts you in a headspace to come up with better ideas, work and ultimately results. Never try to fit into a place where you don’t belong - it won’t be good for you, or those around you.

4. Go For The Culture Stay For The Ambition

Culture is so important today, and it really provides a space for you to find your crew. Ambition should not solely be the reason for staying at an agency or organisation. If the company culture is right for you, it will bring out your best self, ultimately pushing you along your journey to achieving your goals and ambitions. 

5. Don’t Take The Shit 

Never allow yourself to work in a place where you feel that you can’t be your authentic self. From having to change her name from Vicki to Mickey on a script because a client didn’t want a woman working on his brand, to being forced to put on high heels and a dress for a client pitch, Vicki stresses that if things like these are being asked of you, it’s best to leave and find your home somewhere else. 

6. Every Day Is A School Day

Learn something every day. By staying alert to what’s going on around you, you will see things that are both good and bad. Use these lessons to become the leader you want to be and steer your career in the direction you would like it to go in. Vicki urges all creatives to never do the same year twice. If you find yourself doing the same work you did a year ago, you aren’t learning and you won’t be nuancing your creativity. Surround yourself with people and projects (even if these projects are side hustles) that feed your appetite. 

7. Get a Fuck Off Fund 

Try to have a backup fund available that covers your living expenses for three months. This gives you an emotional door to leave a place where you find you are not happy and not excited. Leaving a place where you are deeply unhappy immediately can often be really good for you, and with a three month backup, you can spend some time looking for something that feels right.

8. Learn How To Ask For Money

Employment is ultimately a business to business relationship. Vicki says; it’s ultimately someone’s job to pay you as little as they possibly can. But, she urges you to always know and understand your value. When asking for a pay increase, insure that you are impassioned, but not emotional. Time you ask, and make sure you have a list of material reasons why you add value. Vicki recommends to follow Alex Holder on Twitter and read her book Open Up: Why Talking About Money Will Change Your Life

9. Never Delete 

Vicki is a big believer in ‘creative sustainability’. There is a very good chance that an idea or thought that you may have had 10 years ago will still be relevant today. So, never throw anything away and never delete anything you put time and effort into.  

10. Burgle Your Heroes

Every creative has someone they look up to and admire. But it’s important to not only look at their work and wish you could do the same or be more like them, but rather deep dive into it and ask questions like; how did they do this? Where did their idea come from? What could have inspired them? 

Idolising Sir John Hegarty, Vicki often dissects everything he says and closely observes how he interacts with others to a microscopic level. She then uses and adapts these insights to suit her own style.  

11. If You Love Hip-Hop Listen To Country. If You Read Vice Pick Up The Telegraph. Learn From Opposites 

As the heading suggests, it’s so important to open yourself up to fields and areas you might not be all that interested in. By seeing things from an opposite angle, you can break out of your comfort zone, which ultimately will make you a more well-rounded and compassionate creative.   

12. Be A Sponge, A Magnet, A Bucket, A Radiator, A Hoover. Gorge. Binge. Devour. Everything 

For any creative it’s so crucial to have an open mind and step out of your comfort zone. By soaking up everything around you, you allow yourself to create a bank of references that you can draw on for creative inspiration at any point in time - even 20-30 years down the road.

13 Is Unlucky 

Vicki admits she is highly superstitious, so there is no lesson here… Moving on.

14. Never Forget We Need You 

If you are young, just starting out and find yourself worrying about the future of your career - chill out. Vicki stresses that all creatives should hear loud and clear that the industry needs YOU. The ad world runs on people, ideas, creativity, chaos and communication - all of which can’t be replaced.  

15. Don’t Be A Dick 

Learn from these people but never become one. It’s so important to never lose who you truly are. As Vicki so perfectly puts it; “People want you for your authentic self, and not because you can go out and buy a suit and look like everyone else.”

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