3 Essential Aspects of a Purposeful Campaign

3 Essential Aspects of a Purposeful Campaign

First off, I’ll be honest. This title? A little misleading.

But, not for the reasons you’d expect.

You will read about 3 essential aspects of a purposeful advertising campaign. The secret is…there’s actually 7.

The other 4 are on our Goodvertising course (which you can pre-register for now) and we can’t give them all away for free.

(Sorry 😬)

So, if you want to check out some of what the course entails and grab some nuggets of wisdom, read on!

Creating a campaign with an impact will propel your brand purpose into the public sphere of consciousness.

You want people to want to pay attention to what you’re trying to say.

How you go about creating that campaign will decide how people engage with it. At the planning stage, you can decide how interactive or thought-provoking your marketing should be.

And, there’s a few important perspectives to look at your ideas from that can colour the end result, and make it much more effective.

  1. Is It Transformative?

  • You’ve put work into creating a brand purpose and transforming your output to reflect that internal work.

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  • How do you want to reflect that in your campaign? Do you want it to make people who participate in it feel a sense of improvement or achievement?

  • Are you encouraging your customer to become a better person through taking part?

  • What incentive are you providing to get people involved?

  • Coming up with a reasonable challenge and reward is 🔑.

2. Is It Clear?

  • Don’t obfuscate the rules.

  • So, exactly what I just did. Use clear, concise language that will make your campaign as accessible as possible.

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  • In order to take part, people need to understand what you want them to be a part of. No one’s asking you to become the next Tolkien of campaign ideas.

  • Keep it simple, creative and engaging. Plus, if it’s fun it’s more likely to boost cross-platform involvement.

3. Is It Replicable?

  • If you’re asking for replication as the form of participation, it can’t be impossible.

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  • (My mum says that impossible is just a mindset, but I also can’t do a handstand, so you do the math.)

  • The best way of making sure people can actually do what you’re asking them to do is to make a format that can be repurposed and repurposed.

  • You want your consumer base to able to take your idea and run with it, expanding it into new places independently.

  • Everyday consumers can be incredibly creative when provided with an open opportunity. Embrace this.

Interested to learn more?

As said above, the other 4 steps are accessible through our upcoming Goodvertising course.

Pre-register now to learn how to find your brands purpose and put it into action & how to successfully respond to movements, as well as how to measure your brands success.

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