What's your chronotype?

What's your chronotype?

We all have that friend who struggles to get going in the morning. This isn’t because they are lazy, it’s likely because they are a ‘night owl.’

Your ‘chronotype’ refers to when you naturally want to wake up or go to bed. Some of us are early risers whilst others like to burn the midnight oil.

Interestingly, as teenagers, we become more like evening people. Waking a teenager at 7am is the equivalent of waking an adult at 5am. No wonder teenagers can be tricky, they are often sleep deprived!

The four main chronotype profiles are as follows:

🐻: Bears make up about 50% of the population. Their sleep patterns follow the sun and so are most productive mid-morning and at their worst around mid-afternoon.

🦁: Lions are the early risers so early morning is when they are at their best. You’ll likely see them reaching for a coffee around lunchtime for a boost to get them through the afternoon.

🐺: Wolves love nothing more than to get up late and are generally awful in the morning, so much so that even the thought of eating is not appealing. Their two most productive times are from around 12-2pm and again later just as the rest of the world is clocking out.

🐬: Dolphins make up about 10% of the population and are really light sleepers. They are most productive from mid-morning till early afternoon. Unsurprisingly, this poor bunch are often found in sleep doctors’ waiting rooms.

If you want to learn more about sleep then try our free course made with love in collaboration with Simba Sleep.

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