Unicorns, flamingos, and a bit of etymology #StuffWeLearn

Unicorns, flamingos, and a bit of etymology #StuffWeLearn

The national mascot of Scotland is a unicorn. Seriously.

While we're feeling all starry eyed, did you know that sea otters hold hands when they sleep so as not to drift apart?

The word "manga", used to denote a range of Japanese pop culture icons like Spirited Away, Death note, and most famously in the West, Pokemon, comes from the kanji symbols meaning "unrestrained" and "picture". The word was coined by a 19th century artist called Katsushika Hokusai, who, unusually for his time, painted haunting, monster-like images from his dreams (amongst his other wildly successful works like the 36 views of Mount Fuji).

Hanlon's Razor is an observation that says "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Basically, don't quickly assume that someone is out to get you, because the most likely explanation is that they're just being an idiot.

On that note, in ancient Greek, the word "idiot" meant anyone who wasn't a politician.

The main predator of flamingos is zookeepers. The question is, however, as the national bird of the Bahamas, are they having a better time than the unicorns in Scotland?


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